Thursday, June 6, 2024

*Free coloring sheet* Koholā

Hauʻoli lā Moana Honua! Happy National Ocean Day!💙

Once listed as endangered species North Pacific Humpback Whale, Koholā in Hawaiian, is one good example of recovering its populations with conservation efforts; many visit Hawaiian waters during winter breeding season🐋🐳

One of the free coloring sheets for ocean loving keiki👧👦 available to download below.


Thursday, May 2, 2024

*Free Coloring Page* Hawaiian Monk Seal

 Hawaiian Monk Seal is one of the most endangered seal species in the world, endemic to Hawaiian islands. One of the coloring sheets for ocean loving keiki, available for download.  For more free coloring pages, go to label "free coloring page". I will make more this summer🌴😊

Hawaiian Monk Seal

Students Art Show

 Making art for Hawaiiʻs children and teaching art to them🎨 is my happy place. I am so grateful for the opportunity to start teaching at Waimea Elementary School K-5th this year! I have been working on preparing for Students Art Show on May 7th. Itʻs less than a week now, but my trust is in God who has been faithfully provided me the strength, energy and everything else. All glory to Him.