Over the years, I have collected soooo many picture books (which occupy one whole side of walls of my studio-garage), not only because I am a children's book illustrator, but because I simply love them! They make me happy, they make me wonder, they remind me how it was like to be a small person (child), and they allow me to be me. So, when I discover the interesting book it became my treasure. I recently stumble upon one such book! When I watched the video on amazon, I instantly fell in love with it (including its catching title) and ordered it right away.
A spill. A smear. A smudge. A tear.
When you think you have made a mistake, Think of it as an opportunity to make Something BEAUTIFUL! (quote from back cover)
I read it to my 17-year-old with overjoy, but I don't think she had any clue why her mother was so excited. Anyway, children in my art room (age 5 to 10) will definitely enjoy this book I will read this in the first day of my next workshop, to make my point about "there is no mistake in your artwork, you can make any oops beautiful"!